Mowbrey School  
(Mouberry, Mourberry, Mowberry, Mobrey)


Mowbrey School was located west of St. Charles Catholic Church on the Mowbrey/Eastland Road.  It was located in the 13th Civil District.

The U.S. Geological Survey map, dated 1954, shows the school and church at “Mobra”.  The correct spelling for the name of the road and the school has not been verified.

Mowbrey School was built around 1918.  Prior to this, the children walked to Stringtown (sometimes called Solon) at attend school.  The school closed in 1941.

Teachers know to have taught at Mowbrey School include:
Margie Barnes – Nannie Bohannon – Amanda Fisk – Kitty Lou Fisk Carson – Annie Elrod – Alfred Frasier – Beecher Frasier – Wallace Lamb – Pruna McCormick Miller  -  Maudie Moore – Manuel Officer – Willie Mae Powell – Elnora Rackley – Fannye Reeves – James Richards – Myrtle Savage – Gussie Selby – Amanda Fisk Smith – Harvey Thompson – Robert Thompson – Kenneth Welch – Arless Enoch Wilson.

Family names of students in the Mowbrey community and school include Smith, Welch, Donelson, Dodson, Wilson, Willbanks, Porter, Leon and Howard.